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From bedroom dreamer to iTunes

I wrote my first song in 2003, in my bedroom in Nottingham. Me and my good housemate Martin co-wrote an effort entitled "Okay". It was okay. I wrote the music, strumming aggressively away at my new Fender electric bought over the summer, Martin (an English student) penned the words. We didn't care what anyone thought - we achieved something, we had created. Back then I figured songwriting was a good way to have my say on the world and everything in it. What I learned over the next decade was that it was pretty hard to work out what you really wanted to say, and even harder to say it in an unique way. Although I've now reached a stage with my songs that I am happy for them to be heard, and suggest that anyone who wants to hear them might support my endeavours by paying a quid or two for the privilege of owning them, I am still improving my craft every day. Whether it's reading, writing, listening, researching, note-taking - there is always room for improvement on my part. The first batch on sale (The End Of The World and Mr Senator) will be the first of many, and I pledge to keep on making them better and better.



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